Best Approach to throttle hover


When im in Loiter mode & switch to stabilise mode, the craft shoots upward very fast.

I suspect this is due to the defaukt hover setting being 50% throttle in Loiter then when switching to stabilise the craft gets 50% throttle.

What is best setting to have hover throttle at? I would like to switch between modes without any variation in altitude.

Thanks in advance

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  • I'm having the same problem. In mission planner it tells me that my throttle hover is 649 or 64.9%. So am I right in assuming I need to set my mid throttle at the same 649?
  • +1 Matt  Also, have a look at your THR_MID setting versus the TRIM_THROTTLE in the Full Parameter list.  The two values should not differ dramatically.  I had a similar problem to what you have, only the opposite was true.  After leaving AltHold, PosHold, Loiter, etc., it would tend to drop in altitude and I'd have to throttle up to compensate.  I had to adjust my THR_MID up, while you will likely need to lower yours.  It helped me maintain altitude between modes. 

  • Ideally you want your 'coptor's hover at 50% on the throttle stick.  You can achieve this by careful selection of various components and using eCalc to confirm the power ratings.  There are other calculators available so Google may also be your friend here.

    However that doesn't help you in your current situation.  What you're describing sounds like an over-powered copter which raises quickly at the 50% point on your throttle.  In this case you need to tell your flight controller where the mid-point is on your setup.   It's well described in this Wiki article.

    Let us know how you go.

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