From the beginning I have always set my Quad to the 'X' configuration but so far using the V2 beta code it has been VERY unstable. I have noticed some people who have been testing the beta code saying it is absolutely fine and others saying that it is very unstable (like mine). Just now I noticed that the instablility seemed to go around in a circle as if corrections to an attitude problem were being made at an 'angle' to where they should be - kind of like a phase angle issue with a conventional helicopter.
So, I wondered if everyone whose Quad is flying okay is indeed flying in the '+' configuration so I changed mine to '+' using the CLI and now it works absolutely fine!
Can anyone tell me if this is my problem or is it a 'virtual phase' issue in the code?
You need to change APM board position for X frame.... ( if it is in correct position, so... there is some bug in there, you know beta :))