Hi all,

I've got a Bixler 2 sitting at home waiting to be built with the plan to drop in my APM 2.0. As a modification to the Bixler, I was thinking about using some Strong Rare-Earth Button Magnets to hold the wings together rather than use the supplied screw.

Is this likely to have much of an effect on the magnetometer, GPS or other electronics? Is there a minimum distance they should be apart to avoid interference?




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  • I suspect using them would have a profound affect on the magnetometer.

    You can easily test this without the airplane.

    • set up your APM via USB with Mission Planner running..getting a GPS lock (as level as possible)
    • with Arduplane loading into the APM, compare the magnetic heading indication with no magnet around
    • hold one magnet and move it toward the APM at approximately the same postion in space it would be on the aircraft
    • watch the MP display...
    • take another magnet (for the other wing) and move it close as mentioned above (careful not to let them clamp fingers)
    • watch the MP display...

    Those fields are very stout and I am sure the magnetometer will notice them. If too strong, your magentometer will always indicate the same position regardless of the orientation of the aircraft.

    Try this and let us know what happens!


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