Bixler apm 2.5 Flying upside down

Hi all.

I fitted an apm 2.5 to my Bixler and took it for a test flight today.  Took off in manual mode and got some height and then tried loiter.  The Bixler promptly turned upside down and flew that way with some roll oscillations.  I went back to manual and recovered it, and flew around a little longer and then tried again thinking it may have been a one off but it done exactly the same.

I use apm 2.5 in my quads and hex's so am quite used to them and setting them up but I am new to arduplane.  Not having to arm it caught me by surprise when setting it up.

Is there something daft that  I am missing?  The HUD is correct when connected to the pc.

Can anyone help or point me to some help?

Arduplane version is the latest.


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  • Managed to get out today and try it.  Thanks chaps, had a good 20 min flight with it in manual, acro, fbwb, loiter and also rtl  all seemed to go well.  Next step is to get my fatshark camera on it and try a bit of fpv.  Only done fpv with my quads and hex so far but loved it.

    • i got same problem to andy i take off at manual then when i switch up to stab mode my bixler fly up side down. it fly inverted or upside down very smooth so i switch i back to manual so that it won't crash.

      what did you do to correct the problem. im new to plane also i am using my apm on multi's

  • Thanks chaps, as soon as the weather improves, ill give it another try.


  • 100KM
    Yes, sounds like your ailerons just needs reversing on the radio setup. Also some reducing of P for the oscellation.
  • In FBW mode on the ground, do the control surfaces all move the correct directions to counter movement of the plane?
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