blimp ardupilot

i am just curious to know whether you could use ardupilot with a blimp (with or without tether; for a 5 - 6 feet blimp) to individually control 3 motors and a servo (for vectoring thrusters). 2 motors for the usual left and right steering and for vectoring thrust. i plan on using an additional motor for quicker lift (and this motor is in the y direction vertically downwards. please help me with your suggestions
thank you

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  • I am also building a blimp for a fun project, and was wondring how to steer this thing.. I have the ardupilot from my drone, so if you did manage to improve the code to work with blimps, would you mind sharing it with me? :)


    Kjetil Hansen

  • 3D Robotics
    You could, but it doesn't have built-in motor drivers like Blimpduino does so you'd have to use outboard ESCs. You'd have to modify the code considerably, however, since blimp dynamics are so different from planes.
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