breaking into copter autopilot programming

Dear All,

I am new to UAV design and autopilot programming, but with some experience in quadcopter piloting. I am interested in breaking-into some autopilot programming. I am looking for suggestions for a quadcopter platform with multi-modality sensors (eg GPS, camera... ) where the information can be integrated into the autopilot algorithms. I'm not ready to build my own from scratch, so I was wondering if there is anything on the market that is close to 'ready-to-fly' but where I can get started with coding some autopilot functions. Price range, probably <1000 USD. 

Additionally, if anyone knows about some good resources (tutorials, websites, getting-started on autopilot programming), I'd be very appreciative.

Thanks for the feedback and apologize for any mistakes in terminology.



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  • Auturgy said:

    Visit - lots of resources there.
    I've found website down.
    Any idea ?
    ArduPilot Open Source Autopilot
    The most advanced open source autopilot for use by both professionals and hobbyist. Supports multi-copters, planes, rovers, boats, helicopters, ante…
  • Hi Mike,

    Some hardware links : hobbyking or banggood. From cheap and nasty to some realy good stuff.

    Development links : - Huge hobby and pro development community from managing toasters to APM2.x and beyond.

    Might have a look at as well (I'll be kicked off the forum for that:)). I use this as a second computer on my hex to manage some ultra sonics and another IMU and GPS for measurement. I like it because I'm fluent in C#. It is a managed OS on the chip and that adds some overhead but it speaks my language.

    Good luck and have fun!

    Arduino - Home
    Open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects.
  • Visit - lots of resources there.
    ArduPilot Open Source Autopilot
    The most advanced open source autopilot for use by both professionals and hobbyist. Supports multi-copters, planes, rovers, boats, helicopters, ante…
  • You do not need to spend $1000. Ardupilot, iNav etc are all open source and posted on Github. Hardware is quite inexpensive as well. Just get stuck in.

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