Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Government of Uzbekistan as the sole supplier of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drone.

September 6, 2018, BSHARK HOLDINGS LIMITED., a leader in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Drone and Hydrogen Fueling Station and the Government of Uzbekistan signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which BSHARK is strategically given the mandate as the sole supplier of new generation hydrogen fuel cell drones to the Government of Uzbekistan. In furtherance of the partnership, a Strategic Sales Framework Agreement between BSHARK and the Government of Uzbekistan will be established, signed by CEO Ling of BSHARK.







The new generation hydrogen fuel cell drone has really started on the high note within its availability. The same applies to the Orca Hydrogen Fueling Station. 100 pieces of the new generation hydrogen-powered drone and 10 pieces of the Orca hydrogen fueling station was ordered during the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. This comes as no surprise to how powerful the new generation fuel cell is. The new generation of hydrogen fuel cell is all powerful with excellent performance. With a portable hydrogen fueling station like Orca and with a guarantee Hydrogen Purity output of 99.999%, the supply of Hydrogen to the hydrogen fuel cell drone in different industrial locations just got even easier. A spokesperson from the Uzbekistan land and resource bureau had this to say: “with the deficiency, the Government of Uzbekistan has to deal with its major industrial sectors, the Government needed a long lasting solution. With that in mind, the Government decided to purchase 100 pieces of the new generation hydrogen fuel cell drone and 10 pieces of the Orca hydrogen fueling station to help increase work efficiency in the following Government sectors:  the Military & Police, Surveillance & Mapping, and Agriculture.






The CEO Ling of BSHARK HOLDINGS LIMITED., had this to say finally, “Signing this Memorandum of Understanding is the only first step in what I am sure will be a long and fruitful co-operation between the two parties.  As we work together to achieve the deliverables contained in the Memorandum of Understanding, our co-operation will deepen and expand.  Both sides will also explore new areas of co-operation.  I have every confidence that this Memorandum of Understanding will bring mutual benefit to BSHARK and the Government of Uzbekistan, and that with expertise, care, time and love, our relationship will mature.

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