drone (14)


Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can

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4 Replies · Reply by William Byrd Jan 15

New Drone! Any comments are welcome!

Hi everyone!

We're new to this board but not new in drones. Our team is building a drone with completely autonomous navigation - INDOOR! Using beyond state of the art sensors that just a few years ago were deployed only by the military combined with M

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0 Replies

Building a drone for beginner

Hi Everyone,

I am thinking of building a drone. I needed some advise before starting. Since I am completely new to drones.

Here are few queries / question I need help with:

  • Where should I look first ? I mean theories, documentation, tutorials.
  • What platf

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0 Replies

Beginners Help

I am someone new to the drone building community and would like some guidnace regarding it. My goal is to make an automated fixed-wing drone capable of carrying some load. I know thats a very hard thing to do but I have to start somewhere is anyone w

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