BUG in advanced parameters configuration

I am using APM version 1.1.87 on win7 64bit. The advanced parameter tab in the configuration tab shows wrong values.

For example:

1)      Both in parameter list (KFF_PTCHCOMP) and ArduPlane PID tabs (Pitch Comp) shows 0.23 while it shows 0.2 at the advanced parameter tab

2)      Pitch to throttle mix shows 0.0 at the advanced parameter tab while it is 0.01 at the parameter list and ArduPlane PID tabs.


Any idea which values it is actually use?

How to report this bug so it will be fixed on the next version?



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  • Developer

    hi, i have fixed the resolution  of the data.

    it was set at 0.1, and is not set to 0.01, if you do a manual update check it should fix the problem

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