Calibration of IMU+ V2 (flat)

Was out at test site yesterday preparing for maiden flight.  I powered the system with the plane level and waiting until the flishing lights on the IMU went out.

The airframe was a boomerang 40 high wing trainer with an SC40 IC engine upfront and Futaba 2.4Ghz radio system.  ArduPilot version 2.7 Beta 5.3, IMU 1.7, no airspeed shield.

Manual take off and flight check was fine.  When ever i switched to stabilize mode the model tried to roll left and dive down and i had to hold a new trim manually on the TX.  Switching back to manual and the plane was again able to fly straight and level.

I have the following questions :-

1) how critical is the level of the aircraft when calibrating

2) The IMU manual says "The three red/blue/yellow LEDs on the IMU will begin flashing, then allgo off. While the LED's are all off the IMU is calibrating and theairframe should not be moved"
Is this really true that when the LEDs stop flashing it then calibrates

3) Can trims be used in flight to trim the model and will this effect the IMU calibration.

4) I did not see any oscililating in the attitude of roll and pitch during thr stabilisation mode but i would not call the flight stable.  Any clues as to what could be wrong.  The header file is as per the distribution.


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  • Hi,
    Anyone else got any thoughts on this one?? Anyone got AP working in an IC (non electric) plane and if so how have you isolated the IMU from vibration?? What model have you used??
  • 3D Robotics
    1) It's important. Equally important is GPS lock. If you don't have GPS lock, the DCM will no operate correctly

    2) That should say "Until the LEDs are all off...." not "While...." I'll correct the manual.

    I flew the same setup last weekend on the very fast Skyfun, and everything worked fine. That said, when you switch into stablization mode, the plane does tend to change orientation (sometimes heading down) for a sec before it straightens up. That's something we're working on.
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