Camera and Vibration


I use a Canon Ixus 130 for HD Video on my Tricopter. Without any anti vibration measures the Video is a blurry mess, I've had to build a fairly elaborate camera mount to get rid of the vibration. The Antishake facility on the camera makes no difference.

You quite often see GoPro camera's mounted directly to multirotors that give good video results.

My question is, is the GoPro less sensitive to vibration and in the vast range of compact camera's are some better or worse when dealing with Airframe vibrations ?

Also, I've been using the ACM 2.0.42 for roll and tilt off CH5 and 6. It works well and levels the camera for slow changes of Airframe angles. It would be excellent is the code could also have a rate component so that fast Airframe angle errors induced by turbulance could be reduced. Can anybody tell me how to modify the code?



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  • I use a bungee mount for my gopro on my tricopter... I get almost zero vibration... the gopro mount is attached to the landing gear of my tri with bungee cord... if you're interested I could send you pictures to make it clear to you how I mount it..

  • Good balancing of props and motors is a good starting point. All cameras with a rolling shutter will suffer from the "jell-o-vision" if they are mounted on a vibrating platform. GoPro is no exception. Some users simply have less of an issue with vibration, having avoided or reduced them to a tolerable level.

  • I have used a GoPro and I have used a compact camera on tricopter and plane. The weight of the Gopro is an avantage for it. Less weight = less vibration but some padding is still required to reduce vibration. But the jelly effect of motion on a GoPro is a turn off for me. A heavier compact camera requires a lot more padding to reduce the jitters. How does your camera mount look like?

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