Camera Stabalization not enabled in Planner ??

Since using 2.0.23 I had to upload using Auduino because using planner doesn't enable camera stabalization.


This hasn't been a problem but I am now trying to use 2.0.25 and I have major issues.


Again when using planner the camera stuff isn't enable but now when using Auduino the motors are acting strangley.  When I try and enable throttle with right yaw a one of the motors fires up.  When I use left yaw another of the motors fires up as if I am in some sort of test mode???


So I decided to stick with using planner and do without camera stabalization and now I get magor right yaw and can only fly with full left stick to correct it.


I know that all advice would be to check for vibration but I don't think that I have any as if flew great with 2.0.23 earlier today.


I could go back to 2.0.23 but I am desperate to use Loiter and RTL which I understand has improved greatly in the latest code.


Any advise would be welcome.




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  • I compiled with arduio 022 and it works.. also set ch6 on radio for tuning camera tilt...
  • Just downloaded 1.0.14 planner , erased reinstalled firmware. not stab outputs 5,6 working.... :(
  • yesss!!!

    i finish my problem.. i must change in makefile to

    BOARD    =    mega2560


    but my next problem. i need to reverse the pitch servo.

    how to do?

    @jasonshort and Chris Anderson nice jobs.. i realy love ardu


    btw i thought you must include board setting for 2560 in AMP planer.

    you know.. i have promote ardu in my aeromoding club in indonesia. you can check the forum

    i know mybe you dont understand indonesian language.. but you can see the picture..:D


    so i hope board 2560 can program by AMP without arduiono program.. so very user friendly

    Grage Aeromodelling • View topic - Sharing System Quadcopter by Rahmatjeni
  • i have same problem to

    ch 5 & 6 is no PPM signal (i have check using osciloscope)

    but in ch 7&8 have PPM signal. but no the servo is not move / respon


    not i'using ardu  2560 board and AMP planer last vertion (uptade juni 21)

  • Developer

    camera stabilization is on by default and not an option in the planner. I just tested it and it's working.

    Sounds like you have other config problems. Can you retry everything from scratch?


  • 3D Robotics
    Are you sure? Last time I checked, stabilization was turned on by default. just like the manual says:

    What RC outputs are you using?

    As for the other stuff, just load the latest firmware (2.0.25), erase/reset your board (you probably scrambled your EEPROM when you were working with Arduino) and do a setup from scratch. Calibrate your ESCs again. It's working fine for me.
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