Can not calibrate transmitter for Pixhawk

I have Taranis transmitter. I am using the receiver that came with the Taranis witch is a Frsky X8R. I have tried to connect it to my my pixhawk using a PPM encoder I bought from 3dr and also using the "smart port". The receiver gets power and connects to my radio but I can not do the radio calibration mission planer. the bars on my computer don't change when I move the sticks. I am trying to do this on a 3dr y6 that I built form a kit. This is my first multi rotor so I may just be making a simple mistake.  

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      • Check if the SBus plug is correctly connected  on both sides.

        ie  - + S

      • You'll have to determine the channels on the radio to correspond to the channels on the PixHawk

        Mine are a bit different from standard because I was using a Spektrum before, and you'll have to set up the channel order accordingly to yours.

        After doing this then the channels should appear on the MP radio calibration screen





        • thanks

          Is that on companion9x?

          • update companion....

            • yeah Im going to see if i have more luck with the windows version.


              • My screenshots are from the Mac version

                • I don't know what this issue was but the windows seems to be working.


                  • I'm probably just doing something wrong but when i eject my radio it says EEprom bad or something like that. And erases  everything on the radio.


                  • Check correct connections 

                    Program the radio like shown above. If it doesn't work......

                    The Taranis is a great radio but not very easy to begin with.

                    Connections on PH and X8R



          • yes. it´s easier than taking pictures from the radio :)

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