Can't Change Flight Mode

The quad won't change to any other mode other than stabilize and Alt Hold.

I have my flight mode set up like this

Mode 1 - Land

Mode 2 - Stabilize

Mode 3 - Stabilize

Mode 4 - Loiter

Mode 5 - Alt Hold

Mode 6 - Stabilize

When I turn my quad on it will be on mode 6, then I can change it to mode 5 Alt Hold, but after that, it will change back to stabilize mode if I choose anything else. I try to switch the mode while my quad is connected to the Mission Planner and the PWM seems to be correct, however, the Current Mode display, display a different mode than what I selected if I select any thing other than stabilize or alt hold.

The picture shows that the current mode and the selected flight mode does not match. The mode configuration here is different because I tried to switch to other modes to see if the problem is only with a specific modes.


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  • I have a Similar problem. Some of my flight modes match up and some don't. Did anyone figure out why this is happening? My pwm readouts are in the correct ranges for the switch settings, but the portion of the display on top which shows the "current mode" does not match up to what the flight mode pull down menu indicates.
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