Until today, I have had great success using either USB or telemetry to connect MP to the APM.
Starting today, the connection is not made. After a barometer check and some other checks (see attachment), the terminal window prints rows and rows of what seems to be random characters.
I did try flashing firmware to the APM earlier in the day and it did not seem to get beyond the window that said it was reading the board. At that point I force quit MP.
Any thoughts?
I believe that the CLI function was removed from the APM boards beginning in 3.1.4 or 3.1.5 due to not enough space for the code.
What version of firmware were you running on the APM board before today?
I noticed that in the screenshot that the APM thinks that it is running 3.2 though.
You were spot on! Thanks. I cleared the EEPROM, loaded a version that flew the quadcopter before the upgrade and then checked all the parameters. The drone flew once again as it did on day #1.