Cannot ARM motors

Hi.  I have an APM2 board and I made a hex-copter with it.  I cannot seem to ARM my ESCs correctly.

First, I went through the ESC calibration.  This went as per instructions except for the arming tones.  Here's how it went for me.

1) ESC Calibration [heard lots of musical notes]

2) ESC Calibration finished... at least I assume it did as it was quiet for quite some time

3) Noticed of the ABC lights, and orange and red were flashing.

3) Moved Throttle to down position [Expecting to hear the motors ARM]

4) Motors did not ARM

5) Held to right for 2 seconds -- in the down position

6) No change to ABC lights [orange and red continued to flash].... However, it was armed and all the props started at the same time as I increased the throttle.

7) Tried to DISARM and could not.

8) Unplugged battery from motors.

9) Unplugged BEC power from APM.

10) Plugged battery from into BEC to power my APM.

11) Waited a few seconds

12) Plugged in my motors

13) Heard short music sounds

14) Never see a RED light in the ABC lights --- this doesn't seem right.

14) Tried going down and to the right on the throttle for w seconds to ARM.  Nothing armed.

Anybody know what might be wrong?

Thank you.

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  • A little confused about red LED, one time you say it is flashing and another time you say you never see it.

    So when you say arm, are you refering to getting the Red LED to stay solid?  This means the APM is armed.  Motors fail to arm themselves if power is applied to them but the PWM signal is too high from the APM board.


    The most common cause of the APM not arming is poor stick adjustment, sticks reversed within Tx, and radio calibration not done well.  If you get the APM to arm (not sure if it is) the motors should follow.

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