Canon SX230 - sample pictures

Good evening,

Since couple of time I'm doing some trials using a SX230 camera installed on a X5 wing.

The results seems to be ok, but I need to gain more trust :) that why I need your support regarding good sample pictures done by you.

To be more precise,please post some of your pictures, that you consider that are ok in terms of quality. If possible please point also the camera settings.

Here are some examples from me - 100m altitude (any advice is welcomed):





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  • Hi Alex

    I'm a APM beginner and want to use a X5 with a digital camera.but I have no idea with how to start it

    could you mind share your configuration file with us beginner,and talk about how to control a DC through autopilot

    thank you very much.

  • Hello,

    Today I had an interesting experience, I have done a flight at around 12:00h , very sunny outside, and I have observed that on the majority of the pictures there is somehow a reflection of the sun. The flight was done over a wheat field.

    What are the hours that you think that are the best for survey missions?


    • Hi Alex,

      Try using a UV filter, you won't have this reflection. In my experience, the best times for survey missions are half an hour after sunrise and an hour and a half to two hours before sunset. At noon times, brightness of the sun is too high.

    • This is pretty typical backscatter or a hotspot for images of soil or vegetation. In remote sensing they call this anisotropic reflectance, or you can get into all the details by looking up bidirectional reflectance. 

      To avoid it fly earlier in the day when the winds are lighter anyway

  • A490 on with CHKDK on custom nadir spring mount on Hexa-B.

    Shot at 50m alt.

    All props super balanced and Ardupilot DuBro foam mounted.


    Filename - IMG_0042.JPG
    ImageDescription -
    Make - Canon
    Model - Canon PowerShot A490

    ComponentsConfiguration - YCbCr
    CompressedBitsPerPixel - 3 (bits/pixel)
    ShutterSpeedValue - 1/636 seconds
    ApertureValue - F 2.99
    ExposureBiasValue - 0.00
    MaxApertureValue - F 2.99
    MeteringMode - Multi-segment
    Flash - Flash not fired, compulsory flash mode
    FocalLength - 6.60 mm
    UserComment -
    FlashPixVersion - 0100
    ColorSpace - sRGB
    ExifImageWidth - 3648
    ExifImageHeight - 2736
    InteroperabilityOffset - 3320
    FocalPlaneXResolution - 15136.93
    FocalPlaneYResolution - 15116.02
    FocalPlaneResolutionUnit - Inch
    SensingMethod - One-chip color area sensor
    FileSource - DSC - Digital still camera
    CustomRendered - Normal process
    ExposureMode - Auto
    White Balance - Auto
    DigitalZoomRatio - 1.00 x
    SceneCaptureType - Standard

    Maker Note (Vendor): -
    Macro mode - Normal
    Self timer - Off
    Quality - Fine
    Flash mode - Not fired
    Sequence mode - Single or Timer
    Focus mode - Single
    Image size - Large
    Easy shooting mode - Full Auto
    Digital zoom - None
    Contrast - Normal
    Saturation - Normal
    Sharpness - Normal
    ISO Value - Auto
    Metering mode - Evaluative
    Focus type - Auto
    AF point selected -
    Exposure mode - Easy shooting
    Focal length - 6600 - 21600 mm (1000 mm)
    Flash activity -
    Flash details -
    Focus mode 2 - Continuous
    Auto ISO - 1
    Base ISO - 100
    White Balance - Auto
    Sequence number - 0
    Flash bias - 0 EV
    Subject Distance - 0.00
    Image Type - IMG:PowerShot A490 JPEG
    Firmware Version - Firmware Version 1.00
    Image Number - 1010042
    Owner Name -
    Sharpness (EOS 1D) - 0
    Directory index (EOS 450D) - 57344


    • Richard, thanks a lot for the sample picture , very good quality! 

      My big disadvantage is that my wing is flying at 60-70 km/h while taking pictures.

      I will put on my Santa Claus wish list :) a hexacopter.

      • Woops. Sorry.

        Practice stalls.... :-)

        And be good for Santa.

  • Hi Alex, what setup you use on Canon ? What configuration you use for take this pictures with your X5 UAV ?  Thanks ! 

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