Canon SX260 HS Altitude Errors

Hello All,

I have recently been experimenting with a Canon SX260 HS for creating orthos and have discovered large discrepancies in the recorded altitude positions stored in the EXIF data.  Over the course of a few weeks I would sometimes have data that appeared to be close to the altitude values I would expect but more often the altitude data is way out of whack.  I tried letting the camera "warm" up, hopefully locking on a good satellite geometry but recently this has not been working.  Are there other issues I should be exploring (camera mounting/shielding etc,)?  Has anyone else experienced large variances of accuracy with the altitude data and if so any tricks to improve performance?  BTW, I'm flying this camera with a 3DR Iris.

Thanks so much!

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  • I was flying a Powershot S100 under my Iris+  (until a crash killed it) and found that it always struggled to get good GPS lock - simply because there's a great big Iris+ directly above it blocked the sky and thus its view of the satellites.   Best know the time tag is accurate on the Powershot as it comes from GPS so geotag the pictures with the Iris flight log. It'll be far far more accurate than the GPS on the Powershot ever would be anyway.

    • Doug, sorry to hear about your crash, did you figure out the cause?

      • 3DR say a probable failed 4-in-1 ESC on my Iris+ - so they're sending me a new one....bit of soldering and I'm sure I'll be back in the air. 

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Jun 30