Canon SX260HS - shutter

Small hack for Cannon SX260HS (probably for other SX-series too).

1. case disassemble -> 6 screws around (2-each side and 2 bottom)

2. solder 2 wires to points: 1-2 (gnd) and 3 - shutter. Photo = short gnd-shutter.

2a if needed - connect other cables:

 -  4-5=1-2 (gnd) and 6 = focus

 - A-x = zoom  controll: x=B -> zoom minus fast, x=C -> zoom minus slow, x=D -> zoom plus slow, x=E, zoom plus fast.

3 drill necessary amount of holes for cable in area of GPS (there are enough space for its)

4. close case and fix screws.

Ready for use. :)3691047626?profile=original



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  • OMG! why on earth would you want to do that to your camera!?  Haven't you heard of CHDK? GenWire?

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