Can't decode data?

I'm having some trouble getting the ArduStation to display any test data.I have two Xbee 868/900's and have one hooked up to my laptop with the other one in the station. Both are set to 57600 bps and the station is running ArduStation V12.When I send a test string such as!!!LAT:33952624,LON:-117409072,ALT:5,ALH:0,CRT:0.00,CRS:170.73,BER:94,SPD:0.23,WPN:0,DST:25853,BTV:11.84,***+++ASP:9,THH:85,RLL:30,PCH:-29,STT:2,***... the red ASC light flashes all the time while the blue RSS light is lit for about 2 seconds. I'm guessing this means it can receive the data but can't decode it. All fields on the station such as alt, lat/long, etc are still blank.Any ideas how I can get my ArduStation working?Thanks,Richard

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  • Hi,

    I`m having the same problem, same set up, only just changing \r to \n doesn`t oslve my problem.

    Those are my test signals, where as no gps ccordinates:


    I`m using Ardustation 2.0.16 Mavlink1 57600K

  • 3D Robotics
    Does it display data when you're sending it from ArduPilot?
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