Can't get lock

I can't get a GPS lock with the ArduPilot pluged in. The data coming out of the port in RealTerm is...Ardupilot!!! V23# of WP: 50 Lat: 39967928 Lon: -82008712 Alt: 3051 Lat: 39968124 Lon: -82013112 Alt: 642 Lat: 39970936 Lon: -82012984 Alt: 673 Lat: 39970952 Lon: -82010384 Alt: 654 Lat: 39968340 Lon: -82007040 Alt: 725 Lat: 39967960 Lon: -82007104 Alt: 74+++ASP:482,THH:0,RLL:-18,PCH:0,***+++ASP:264,THH:0,RLL:-18,PCH:0,***+++ASP:228,THH:0,RLL:-18,PCH:1,***+++ASP:222,THH:0,RLL:-18,PCH:0,***!!!LAT:0,LON:0,SPD:0.00,CRT:0.00,ALT:0,ALH:0,CRS:0.00,BER:0,WPN:0,DST:0,BTV:0.00,RSP:0,***The GPS (EM406A) is showing a lock. I checked it in SiRFDemo and shows a lock on the SATs but does not come up on the LAT and LON. Anyone else had this problem ?ThanksJason

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  • Developer

    Today, I have got the same problem as your and I have found the solution.
    My initial setup was :
    - I use the Ardupilot v2.3.1 with the ATmega 328 from Sparkfun
    - I use the latest version of the shield (V2, the blue board)
    - The GPS EM406 was connected on the GPS SHIELD CONNECTOR
    - The WAAS was enabled

    With this setup, I have spent lot of hours without the GPS lock (the blue led still flash quickly).

    The solution which gives me the GPS lock ( the blue led is solid)

    - The WAAS is disabled ( because I live in France, in US is not necessary to disable WAAS),
    - the GPS cable must be connected directly to the main CPU board and NOT to the shield gps connector,
    With this, the GPS lock after only few minutes ( less than two minutes )...

    I don't know why the GPS doesn't work when it is connected to to shield board. FYI, I am using the newest version of the shield ( the blue one ).

    I hope this will help you.
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