Ch 5 & 6 for 2-Axis gimbal and modes?


here's something I don't understand: In the RC setup wiki it is recommended to use Ch 5 for the mode switch. But for the 2-axis gimbal there is also Ch 5 reserved for one axis. I tested the gimbal - it works.

The 3-position switch works also for the modes but at the same channel? I don't get that... (??)

What if I wanted to pan or tilt the camera... on Ch5? Does't it interfere with my mode switch?

Thanks for some explanations! :-)


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  • Developer

    CH6 by default is used to tilt the camera. Panning is usually done by Yaw.

    The ins and outs really don't have anything to do with one another. Everything is mixed internally and sent out. There are no passthroughs.


  • Developer

    The input ch5 is reserved for the mode switch, but the output ch5 on apm is another question... :-)

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