I am working on a simulator system that interacts with MP through the MAVLink protocol. We have things mostly working now, but one nit we have is that the default Icon shows up as a helicopter. We would like to be able to choose a quad or fixed wing icon depending on what type of aircraft the user chooses to use in our simulation. Is there a way to configure the icon that is used in MP using a MAVLink message? If not, then is there a way to do this manually?
That goes a tad over my head. Maybe contact Michael Osborne directly as he is the brains and muscle behind Mission Planner :)
There is a send message link on the left.
How does the flight controller send to MP what kind of platform it is via Mavlink? It sounds like that is what we should be doing. Is there a specific message for that? Since we are simulated there is no actual firmware. We are emulating the flight controller and the mavlink interactions.
MP looks at the firmware to see what kind of platform is on the FC and uses that. You should be able to do that as well.
When you first connect to your FC in MP click on the Messages tab but I'm not getting what "default" icon you are talking about.