Thanks to telemetry, is this possible from a page on Mission Planner to show all flight modes as buttons + shortcuts and thus switch from one flight mode to another as easily as pressing a button on the tactile screen or on my keyboard ?
Then I could stop looking for a super expensive transmitters which will never be enough?
As Chris said, you can do some through MP, but I'll add that if you use Droid Planner on phone or tablet then you can simply touch a drop-down menu to access nearly all flight modes and change it from there, too.
A few modes are already on shortcut keys, I believe R is RTL, M is manual and A is auto. Would be nice to have (or know) assignments for the others, maybe broken sequentially across the number keys?
I currently fly with Manual Stab and RTL on my switches so I can take off in manual, switch to stabilise to gain height then go into RTL. From the laptop I then pop it in to Auto over telemetry. For landing I line it up with waypoints then flick into Stab on the TX and land it.