Cheap Alternative for Lightbridge

Hello Guys,

I just came across below product for HDMI long range wireless transmission.
very new to this technical details.;jsessionid=6BD7C175EAA3AFC8040892BEC3ACE528.ASTPCEN22?

Seems like much chapter alternative compared to DJI Lightbridge

Any on have any idea about these product ??

Shafi Shaz

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  • I agree with Rory, and the Yagi antennas very likely have some directional aspects to them that would be troublesome in a non-static environment such as air travel.  It might work, but I would assume right off the bat that the 2000 meter ideal range would drop drastically due to aircraft maneuvers.

  • The antennae look big and way to big to fit craft side. Same deal for the video transmitter I think. the weight is given as 0.23Kg, I think this is way too heavy to compete on the market with Lightbridge. 

    I wonder how many channels the spread spectrum can utilise too. It seems like a product designed for a fixed location, not mobile for a drone platform

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