choosing battery

hallo youtube i saw that one plane used two 5.0 amp batteries in parallel = 10000mah/10 amp , i don't know the C rating .. say it's 20 amp battery so battery amp is 10*20=200 amp ..but they connected 60 amp ESC and 45 amp brishless motor to that 200 amp battery ... BUT as we know esc amp should be higher than battery and motor if its not, then it will get hot and as travelling 60 minutes it will caught fire .. so how it's possible to use 200 amp battery eith 60 amp eac ...please tell me. describe please regardssakib

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  • very thanks ..
  • No this is wrong. You want the ESC to have a higher rating then the motor not higher then the battery.

    If your motor is rated at 45Amps then should should go with a 50/55Amp ESC. You have battery's rated at 400-500Amps and you cant think you need a 500Amp ESC, thats just crazy.

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