Choosing Between 10" and 12" ArduCopter Propellors

I'm inching my way toward placing an order for an ArduCopter kit, and I'm wondering if anyone can point me in the direction of a comparison between the two standard prop/motor combinations for the ArduCopter.  The choices are 10x45/850Kv and 12x45/880Kv.  Thoughts and comments are welcome.  Thanks...TCG

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  • What difference would be noted between using a 800kv to 900Kv motor (Tiger T-Motor MT2216-12 vs T-Motor MT2216-11 ) on the exact same frame and using the same 12.45 props? I mistakenly bought the 900s but thought to try them anyway. What are the pros and cons using the 900Kv motors?

  • I guess it depends on what you're planning to do with it.  I'm carring a GoPro, FPV cam and 2 batteries with the standard 3DR kit, 850 motors and 10" props.  Great set up and works great using the new APM2.


    Check out my video post here: My Videos



  • From Carmen at 3D Robotics;

    Thank you for your question. The larger prop/motor combination will provide greater thrust, so you can lift a heavier payload, and might improve the response of your copter. However, the larger motors+props may also drain your battery more quickly than the smaller motors and props. If you're using the 3DR frame, you don't need to change the PID settings since these work for both the purple motors with smaller props and gold motors with larger props; however, with another frame, you may need to adjust the PID settings. 
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