:censored: CIAM are removing UAVs from the definition as a model aircraft. :censored: :censored: :mad:We the UAV hobby community need to follow this up.Below is a response from FAI re the removal of Maynard Hills record.Note: also posted in RCGAutonomous flight working groupWorking group comprises Jo Halman, Dave Brown, Ian Kaynes. Report by Ian KaynesMarch 2008.The autonomous flight record category, F8, was approved by the 2006 Plenary meeting toaddress the major discrepancy between records that could be created by traditional RCaircraft and by models incorporating autonomous control systems. While this has restored thepurity of the basic RC records, there is some confusion and overlap between the F8 categoryand the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) category which was recognised by the FAI in 2001.The UAV category is controlled by Sporting Code Section 12 under the auspices of CASI.The definitions of model aircraft and UAVs in the General Section of the Sporting Coderevolve around the UAVs being qualified as "which is designed for scientific research,commercial, governmental or military purposes." This phrase is then repeated in Section 12(UAVs). In Section 4, this phrase also appears but only to emphasise the exclusion of UAVsfrom the definition of model aircraft which then has the added qualification of “to be used forcompetition, sport or recreational purposes”.The definitions do not present a clear enough distinction between the categories. The WorkingGroup considers that it is undesirable to allow any UAVs to participate in model aircraftcompetitions or record attempts or come under the auspices of model flying in general. Theproblem is how to define this distinction. The only natural distinction identified by this WorkingGroup is the inclusion of autonomous functions, such as the ability to navigate between anyspecified waypoints. In general this is a common feature of many UAVs and is viewed asundesirable for model flying given that the raison d’etre of model flying is to represent the skillof the flyer.Even if the model aircraft definition is modified to exclude autonomous functions, it would notlimit aids such as wing-levellers and yaw gyros stabilisers, which augment the stability of themodel rather than controlling the flight autonomously.The only class in CIAM which currently allows something which approaches autonomous flightis the steering of gliders in the free flight class F1E. This does not prevent the use of adefinition based on autonomous functions since either F1E can be covered by allowing thosedevices which are legal within the class specification or the class specification can be refinedto exclude autonomous systems. The Free Flight Subcommittee is currently discussing achange of F1E definition from the current text “The glider can be equipped with a steeringdevice, which cannot be controlled by the competitor during flight.” to “The glider can beequipped with a steering device, which may use a direction sensor and measurement of flighttime. The steering device must not use any measurement of geographical location and mustnot be controlled by the competitor during flight.”An essential characteristic of radio-controlled model flying is the need to keep the modelwithin sight of the flyer throughout the flight, and which is also highly desirable for safetyconsiderations. This mode of flying models has been likened to operating an aircraft VFRwhereas UAVs operate under IFR. Those UAVs which do not include autonomous flightcontrol often feature manual control by the operator using video from the aircraft. Fromconsiderations of safety and complexity it is considered undesirable that this should beallowed as a control mode for model aircraft. Consequently a revised model aircraft definitioncould replace the current UAV distinction by a positive statement on autonomous functionsand controlling within visual range of the pilot similar to that already written in records rules2.2.5 and 2.2.6.RecordsIf the new definition for model aircraft is adopted then the F8 Autonomous Flight recordcategory could not, and should not, be maintained. There are currently two records within theF8 category, for distance and duration on the transatlantic flight by Maynard Hill et al. It isproposed that these should be recognized by CIAM as special achievements and that CIAMshould request that CASI adopts the records in the U-1.a category, which is for UAV recordsby aircraft with weight less than 5 kg and including remote control at some time during theflight. There are currently no records recognized for U-1.a..Conclusions1. The Working Group recommend that UAVs and autonomous flight have no place inmodel aircraft flying within CIAM2 This recommendation requires a revised definition of model aircraft3 Action must be taken about the existing records in the F8 Autonomous Flight category:a) for CIAM to recognise these flights as special achievementsb) to retain the records as historical superceded recordsc) to endeavour to have the records transferred to the relevant UAV category4 Consequential changes to the Sporting Code record section.Details of Proposed changesDefinitionThe Working Group proposes the following change to the definition in Volume ABR:1.1. GENERAL DEFINITION OF MODEL AIRCRAFT (Provisional wording)A model aircraft is an aircraft of limited dimensions, with or without a propulsion device,not able to carry a human being and to be used for competition, sport or recreationalpurposes.For the whole of the flight, a radio-controlled model aircraft shall be in the direct control ofthe pilot, via a transmitter, and in the pilot's sight other than for momentary periods.For control line model aircraft the pilot must physically hold the control-line handle andcontrol the model aircraft himself.Free flight model aircraft must be launched by the flyer and must not be controlled duringthe flight other than to terminate the flight.A model aircraft shall not be equipped with any device which allows it to be flownautomatically to a selected location.Sporting Code changesIf the definition presented above is adopted, there a number of consequential changes to theSporting Code volume ABR:a) Delete Records section 2.10 (Special rules for Autonomous Flight Records.).b) Delete Autonomous flight records 900 to 934 from Table I “Classification of Records”.c) In Table III Checklist Record Dossier item 8 delete “other than in the F8 category”.d) Paragraphs 2.11 and 2.12 to be re-numbered.

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  • Sgt. Ric: FAI and CIAM are worldwide organizations, they have influence on FAI events. However, I don't understand why they don't want to deal with hobby UAVs, since the characteristics of a hobby UAV can be defined just as well as a normal model.

    Reto: they mean that the plane controls itself. The only exception is F1E, which is a free flight category with autonomous compass steering. I'm an international competitor in that since 1997, here are some vids (MUST SEE, THEY ARE ALMOST UAVS):

    My video (taken in Romania):

    Video of a Polish competitor:
  • I had only short time to get an idea of the implications, but when I read "the raison d’etre of model flying is to represent the skill of the flyer", then I think that they should allow RC Flight Simulator records in their long lists! But I have to agree that this personal thought comes out of anger...
    In the meantime, I spread the word and the link to RCgroups thread to the FPV-ElectronicLoadedPlanes community in my region in hope to get it spread in local RC clubs faster. If what we do, or at least try to do, is not model flying related, then I wonder what I should call the activity that took most of my spare time since autumn!
    I don't know if this helps in anyway, but it is what I can momentarily do. And I hope some other will react. I think DIYdrones members should be very much concerned by this topic.
  • Moderator
    Interesting, this has caused a storm on RCgroups and nobody here seems to care!

    I wonder if this is why grown ups want hobby UAV's closed down.

    No AMA or BMFA support, no insurance is how I see it.

    Just hoping to light the fire on this thread here.
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