I'm using version 3.13 with an Hexa ,
Even if I change the value of circle_radius from 20 to 30 the copter circle perfectly but only with a radius around 10 meters .
Also the circle_rate with values 10 and 50 related to CH6 and a potentiometer on the radio control do not change the speed of the circle .
A strange thing is that in the full parameters list I have now a value of -1330 but in the Extended Tuning the CH6 Opt have for "circle Rate" -30 and 30 values .
After further tests I founf out that I was able to change the rotation direction changing the CH6 potentiometer .
The change in speed was not so noticeable even with small values.
This is strange since with value 1 , it would take 360 seconds to achieve the circle.
What I found out is that any values of input in the CIRCLE_RADIUS leads to a spiral that become a circle with 10 meters radius.
I am having the same problems. No matter size circle I try to fly; it always does a slow corkscrew. I have been trying everything to get it to perform the Circle Mode properly, at variable sized radius. Please, does anyone know why Circle Mode only flies Corkscrews?