CLI works fine but none of the other tabs works

I'm currently using the firmware for arducopter 2.9 but it doesn't make a difference since I have the same exact problem with all the firmware. My APM 2.5 will connect to mavlink but in the configuration tab the radio bars just stay empty regardless of what i'm doing with the radio (I can manually set them in CLI though). The Flight Data tab just stays locked on the horizon and none of the readings, such as gyros or accelorometers, ever change. I can get them to output in CLI though.

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  • Taylor,

    I've posted similar symptoms in another discussion thread:

    The original poster and my comment haven't received a response.

    As near as I can tell, the APM hardware and Mission Planner seem to be working "ok" in that they can connect and ommunicate via USB for CLI mode. I'm able to execute via the CLI setup->radios and see values, and later "show" them via the CLI. Perhaps there is something about my laptop's USB driver than won't retrieve the values correct for the tabs/GUI, even though when I "connect" via the GUI it says it's successfully retrieving all the built in values from the APM.

    I'm really scratching my head and hoping I don't have to learn the internals to Mission Planner/APM communications just to get started.

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