Climbrate all over the place??

Hi everyone,

I received my 2.0 yesterday (thank you very much) and I've been testing and checking out various features.  one thing I'm seeing is the climbrate is jumping all over the place.  I and just wondering if this is correct or if there is a setting out of wack.

ArduPlane Ver 2.27


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  • Sorry for the late reply on this discussion regarding climbrate.

    When running APM Planner 1.1.21, if  I go to the gauges the VSI gauge jumps from +2 to -2 when the APM is sitting on my work table.

    I am just checking to see if this is normal of it it needs to be filtered a bit.

  • 3D Robotics

    I can't replicate a problems on any of my APM 2s. There will be some natural motion in sensed climb rate even when stationary due to pressure changes and sensor noise, but nothing out of the ordinary. If you can post some data I may have a better idea of what you're talking about. 

  • I've noticed the same thing, with two different versions of code on my APM2, the latest being 2.1.1.  I'm still building the frame so I've not actually flown yet though.

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