Collision Avoidance on Multicopters

Hi everybody,

I address to you because I am working on a collision avoidance system on an octocopter. The copter has a Pixhawk as a Flight Controller and the sensor I will use is the Lidar Lite from Pulsedlight3d.

I want to know if someone did something like this before because I am having a few problems with it. I am not that good at programming, I am learning at the moment.

The first time I used the Lidar Lite was on a Arduino Nano board, can I somehow link the Pixhawk and the Arduino board? Its better to connect the sensor directly to the Pixhawk?

I read the full parameter list from APM, in which I found RNGFND_GAIN. I can use that parameter if my sensor is facing down to measure altitude, the thing is that I want my sensor facing forward. Do I have to create a new parameter? Would not it be erased when a Pixhawk update comes?

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