Commercial aerial photography using APM 2.5


During recent months I've been testing different copter electronics platforms, incl. the APM2.5, and I'm on the way to launch aerial photography services for commercial purposes here in Europe-Hungary, Slovakia.

Although I know Chris states the mission of DIY Drones is not for commercial purposes, still I believe there  is a way how the APM2.5 could be utilized to sell photography services.

I don't want to fly my copter in fully autonomous mode at all, I fly small distances under 100% RC control and eye visibility, so I don't break the RC rules. 200m distance is the MAX I want to fly in all directions.

I would appreciate anyone's help how could I do this activity in fully legal way, since the APM2.5 looks to become my favorite platform after several months being tested.

Thanks in advance



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  • I also need help for upgrading parts or if i'm doing it wrong or right for aerial video productions/photo, here is my set up:

  • Tibor,

    I may be wrong but it's mostly local regulation you should be looking up - what and to what extent can be used. I don't remember receiving any "license" with my APM stating I may not do aerial photography with it - would it be commercial or hobby. Maybe I missed it, but for some reason I believe you may use APM for your purposes as well - given that local legislation does allow such activitiy..

    hope that was of any help,

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