I am using AC 3.2.` on pixhawk and it works good.
When I uploaded AC 3.3 I got compass issues, I was getting errors compass variance
Also when I tried to fly , I almost crashed it, my tarot got very unstable and banked to left and right
any thoughts about it?
Yes, I did the whole calibration few times, I tired to fly the quad, I disconnected the external compass and the GPS, and I noticed that the issue was with internal compass, that made me to think that the pixhaw was bad, but then I installed different firmware, and it worked out, I had no issiues.
so thx fro comments, I fixed the issue, I just wanted to know if anybody else noticed any compass issues with the new firmware.
It is probably not the firmware issue, it happens when install new version, the settings you used before are different and need to re-tune all.
When changing, even slightly the position of the controller and other parts, sometimes the internal compass calibration offsets exceed the range (-400 400). If I have -500 (sometimes on Z axis) i manually put -400 and the internal compass working well.
Anyway, using the external compass is better, good one gives max -100 +100 Z offset.
The logs will help us diagnose the issue 3.3 is having with *your* hardware. Needless to say many thousands of other people are using it without issue, so we need logs to see what's going on with your particular board.