Compass offsets


I don’t know if anybody can help me or at least explain this. I had problems with the loiter (the typical toilet-bowling) so I took a look at the compass offset values. They were -175 -158 -13, out of the recommended range (-150 150), so I decided to rearrange the hardware of my quad as some of you recommended. To have a reference of how much I can improve these values, yesterday I did the live compass calibration with the APM alone, without the frame, batteries, ESC, etc. Only the APM board (and a USB cable), away from any EMI source and metals, and surprisingly the values were -184, -155, -23. I repeated the live compass calibration several times but the values didn’t change so much :(

so… What can I do??


If this helps, I have checked old logs and I had had similar values of the compass offsets always! But the loiter was fine, not amazing, but fine.

I’m currently using APM 2.5 with firm 3.1-rc5 (the one with auto-tune).


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  •  I'm sure there are people here who can guess what's happening...

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