
Hello, i currently use a BEC to power my 2.6 HexaI also still utilize the 3 dr power module .. I remove the red wire so no additional power flows into the board. The issue is that when I run a compassmot, it runs through fine but I do not get the mesage " Interference is xx% of the mag field" I am running RC6 from the firmware site. Could this have something to do with my setup? I am getting accurate current & voltage readings. Thanks JEFF

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  • Jeff, I use the 3DR with removed wire also. However, I need to point that there are *two* red wires to be removed. If I recall exactly one is for the autopilot and the other one for the servos? I don't know anything about compassmot - should I?



  • Why would you use both?

    Just power the APM with the PM for accurate compassmot-ing.

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