Compensation for Compass Tilt - Wrong Values

I am having a few problems setting up my external compass GPS combo, I go outside while connected to my computer and aim the copter at a object down the road, it is off by about 20 degrees. I also have tried re calibration and my offsets change each time i do them which I find very weird.

As it stands my compass is fairly level but not 100% (it sticks out the back to get away from VTX, so this means it's not centered on the vehicle) I notice that if I push my compass forward (tilt) it changes and I can get "pointed" to the object fairly well that got me thinking so that is how I am going to try to fix my compass issue but i'm sure that not everyone's compass here is 100% level?

But that got me thinking,, when I hit say RTH well my quad will tilt to get to me, so i went to mission planner and tilted the quad and I noticed the compass direction actually changed based on the tilt of the quad and compass. How do these quads get home if they are pointed the wrong way?

Any suggestions on how to fix my compass being off by about 20 degrees, I might try the manual declination and try to just keep adjusting until it's right, not sure if that will come to bite me back later.

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  • EDIT:

    Seems like the tilting of the entire quadcopter seems to be OK in terms of the APM correcting the heading value, but if you tilt just the compass it changes quite a bit.  

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