"Has anyone tried those small pixhawk variants coming from China? there often cheaper then even full size chinese pixhawks.. Are they really only missing " a few extra ports" ?"
"Here is what I do know regarding 3dr and HobbyKing (or china FC's) 3dr won't be the MFG selling the pixhawk 2, do you know who will be?... I can almost bet that china + HK will. I rather put my money into a company that is going to stick with the…"
"For anyone looking for a good quality pixhawk clone (with 1 year warranty by an actual company) i 100% reccomend HobbyKing, you may think oh hobbyking is just cheap w.e but I can guarentee you they have put more time into the pixhawk then other no…"
I have 2 GPS connected and I know it is supposed to switch once one GPS has 2 more sats, but when connected to MP the # of sats on the bottom left remains on the first GPS no matter which one has more sats.Anyway to see if Arduplane is in fact…
I have been searching for any new posts related to the topic of PWM RSSI such as what Orange LRS outputs, FrSky, I think EZUHF and probaly many more. I know on Pixhawk.org it explains that is has PWM Rssi input. Will this ever be implemented on…
Apm tx to osd rx and to radio rx
Apm rx to radio tx
Go to mission planner hit enable telemetry and see if that changes also once the apm is on hit reset on the osd. I didn't read to much into detail on the problem at…"
"Hm, I have been having bad luck with my GPS and that was actually a brand new unit in order to prevent any issues. I think it may have been because I had it to close to the telemetry radio this time. I shall try moving it to the back of the quad and…"
"Hi Leonard,
I may have been mistaken, but was there a vibrations on the Z accel? on the line 33? I compared IMU1 Z accel to my Current, I will double check this later tonight.
I am not saying the work of the devs needs to be throw own, I did mention…"
After I looked at the logs it seems that All of the sudden I got massive vibrations causing the alt to be off from what it is. This alt controller is in serious need of a redesign something as easy as if vibes past limit only use gps and baro…"
"So earlier my quad just crashed during auto tune, I had it in alt hold was doing its thing then all of the sudden goes full throttle, I lose orientation, lower throttle and then hit RTL (atleast i think i did was happening pretty fast) and it…"
"So an update,
Purchased new sunnysky motors with t prop adapter, new frame, and new carbon props, seems to fly really well now, hammering the sticks trying to cause massive vibrations and its still good. I think it was motors that caused the issue.…"
"Keep hitting enable telemetry (in mission planner) and restart the board each time until it works,,Im sure there is a more technical way but that worked for me."
"We each may have our own opinion "slykittenbox" but not a very constructive comment and doesn't belong here at DIYDrones. Both systems have advantages over each other"