Configuraing Elevon Mixing on APM2


I have a Multiplex Xeno, and I succesfully  confugured Manual Mode (Radio elevon mixing), and the Stabilize mode respond correctly to pitch/roll perturbation (Elevon configuration in APM mission planer).

But the elevon input mixing changes between manual and other mode:

  • In Manual: radio Pitch stick controle Pitch
  • In Stabilize: radio Pitch stick controle only elevon 1 (right elevon  

How is it possible to switch between Manual and Stabilize if elevon mixing changes ??

I really think there is a bug or a miss-configuration about input Elevon mixing bexause don't tell me I have to change my radio mixing regarding the selected flight mode! 

Another clue: I connected AerosImRC through simulated firmware and the Elevon mixing switch can be seen between the Two modes:



Please help !

The other thing, I set the flight mode channel parameter to 5 the Mode Test interface still present Channel 8 as channel mode even if the mode changing wotks correctely. I did not have this behavior on APM1&Arducopter.



Thanks a lot.


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  • Hi,

    I got back My APM2 board. The Serial converter was fried. So I am back into the Ardu-Xeno plane.

    About Elevon mixing configuration, described in the Wiki the Manual mode is configured first. So I cannot understand how this could work every time. Because once Manual mode works correctly, what to do the the APM Stabilisation reaction is not correct?

    I think there is a mistake in the WIKI:

    I think the good strategy to configure correctely the APM is the following:

    • Calibrate Radio Channels
    • Set the APM to Stabilise mode and change Elevon reverse mixing until the APM stabilisation reaction is correct:
    • THEN switch to Manual and configure your radio to work correctly in manual mode.



    Am I wrong ? Did I miss something ?

  • I guess this thread is a little old, but my HUD response is reversed in elevon anyone else's like that?



  • Phil has it in the screenshot up here ^^^^^^^

    I have elevons, stabilize and rc input working on a Zii with those same configs.

    HOWEVER, I have my dual-rates turned way down, and after multiple radio calibrations/resets, I still get full deflection in stabilize mode on RC input.

    I need those dual rates to carry over in stabilize.

    Am I missing something?  Thanks!


  • Which SW version are you using? Downloaded from the planner?

  • If the elevons work correctly in manual but not in stabilize it's most likely that you have not configured APM properly.

    If you're sure that you have elevon mixing enabled in the APM EEPROM check that you have the reversing switches disabled. This should happen by default in APM2 since it doesn't have any reversing switches, but it's possible that it didn't.

  • Developer

    the planner doesnt register the channel change, i will need to fix that.

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