I got my order in today with my APM 2.5+ kit (GPS & APM Power Module w/Deans). I also ordered 

(4) ArduCopter 20A ESC (which has BEC),  (4)  AC2830-358 850KV motors  and the 3DR Quadcopter Power Distribution Board.

Looking for some guidance on how to hook up the power to ESC.  I see how the APM Power Module hooks from Battery, to the APM power connector out to the Distribution board.  I know how the ESC power and Cables connect to the 3DR Power Distribution board.  There are some additional cables for the APM I think the multi-color cable and there is a +/gnd cable (I think).  Here is a link to the board:

3DR Quadcopter Power Distribution Board

This is my first build in the RC Air world.  I have built RC kits and robotic kits - not afraid to do some basic soldering.  I also do not feel like brick'n my APM 2.5+ so figure I would ask the community and get some advice first.

I am actually going to test the APM 2.5+ on my ground 6x6 wheel rover first.

If anyone is interested - I have been posting some of what I have been up to with the 3D Printer and working out my own frame for Quadcopter:

Chuck's Facebook



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  • The two wire red/black cable from the PDB is used if you do not have a 3DR PM.

    It has the combined (parallel) ESC BEC outputs. With the PM, you should pull/cut the red wire from the connector.

    If not, you will have more than one power source to the APM -- not a good idea in general.

    In short (no pun intended) do not connect the red wire of the red/black cable.

    The black wire needs to be connected as it is the return for the ESC drive signals.

    As you are applying APM to a rover, the other 3 ESC lines will be redundant at this time.

    It is also important to remove JP1 as indicated in THIS instruction.


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