Connecting ESC to the motor

Hello hello.

I am in process of assembling my Arducopter quad. So far so good. Also I have read the instruction on how to connect the Powerlines within the modell, I have a question when it comes to connecting the motors.

In the manual is says:

"Connect the three male bullets from the motors to the three bullet connectors on the ESCs"
So I have the three blue wires from the ESC and the three colored wires from the motor (red, blue and black)
My question: What wire to put where?
Do I need to put the black wire into the blue wire from the ESC where the black wire from the deans connector goes in? Is it correct like on the picture?

I am confused :)
Thanks for information


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  • Do I understand it right that it does not matter an you will later just twist two of the wires for the right direction?

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