a week ago my Copter Running a Pixhawk clone and Firmware 3.2.1 dropped out of the sky. It ran beautifully but suddenly it just fell out of the sky. I checked The Battery Life and it was not the fault.
The huge Problem now is, that i cannot read the logfile through some strange reason. Is anyone able to read that log file attached?
I really hope someone can help me with this, since i am scared now to fly it, till i have not figured out what the failture was! Is it enough information to help?
Thanks a lot,
PS.: I added the Logfile (of which i think it is the Logfile with the accident
PPS.: I also uploaded a complete Dump of the 4GB SD Card from directly after the crash here: http://johannes-froelich.de/daten/temp/Pixhawk_3.2.1_SD_dump.gz
PPPS.: you can find a video of that crash here: http://youtu.be/zVUSGsYQgtU
is the log just not readable or is there no one who saw this post ;)?
Any help?
Thanks a lot!!!
I can't open it either-at least on beta Mission Planner