I was flying my drone as usual, but at one point in RTL mode it just came down (no motors spinning, no noise just falling). I dont know what the cause of the crash is but as it was about 270m high it just got smashed completely....
I have seen on the log that the vibrations where quiet high and that the compass interference was quiet high (I know this drone wasn't good at all but it was just a small project of mine. Even bought used motors from ebay...). But what was weird was that the drone just came down like a stone as if the battery went empty...(it was still full and fail safe was set up).
I would be happy if someone could have a look at the files and could help me understand why this happened.
Thank you!
FC: Pixhawk clone (poor quality might be the reason)
Motors: 800kv T-Motor
ESC: 30A Afro (can those be reused if they seem fine?)
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Yeah i know, I really tried to avoid DJI but i thought its time to give it a try...
Even tough the Pixhawk 2 which just got released seems interesting too (this time I would even go for the original haha).
It may have some problem - you never know what components they saved money on... or quality checks.
going for overpriced closed source that can do (much) less is not an impressive solution :)
Yes, I was using a 5000mah 3s with a 30C rating, my motors use max 18A max.
The whole setup worked great before the crash...
Maybe it was the Pixhawk clone that had some issues? Probably going for a naza V2 now
Thank you for taking your time to have a look at the log files
The log ends midair, with no indication of strange attitude, unusual power consumption or demand.
Usually , this indicates that the flight controller lost power.. Did you provide redundant power sources ?