I've got three strange issues for your evaluation.  Graphs pictured below and the log file is attached.

1) Loiter drifts.  I have a solid GPS lock and vibrations all < 1.  It drifts a little to up to 8-10 feet.  I can't figure out why.  Looking at the log, you can see the desired roll compared to the actual roll is correct.  It's doing it on purpose. But why?


2) While in loiter at about 5 feet, it just decided to go full left roll as if it thought it was in the wrong location.  Some drifting was taking place before, then it just went full left.  The 


3) While in Alt Hold at about 5 feet, the battery failsafe kicked in.  But instead doing what RTL should do, it again went to the left. No altitude change, just left roll as if going somewhere else.  This time I caught it, switched to stab, and recovered it.


PIDS below


2014-07-16 19-30-45.log

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  • Sorry to pester guys.  I really want to fix this before attaching more expensive gear.

  • Anyone? Anyone?

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