Hello everyone!
Today had very strange crash. Hexa was flying a mission, few minutes after take off hexa went down spining around itself(motors were spining) like it had low power or something came off. I had 11000 mah 4s maxamp lipo on it fully charged. But I heard an alarm a few time while it was in the air.
In crash lost: Lipo MaxAmp11A, SonyNexe5N, Frame, 6 Motors, Props, Custom Legs. (everything exept Arduno and ESC's and radios)
Does any one have any thoughts? Unfortunatly I can not say much myself when I looked at the log.
My specs:
3DR Hexa ready to fly (1400gr)
Sony Nex5n (350gr with lens and battery)
Gaui 2Axis gimbal (150gr)
Lipo 11000 mah 4s (800gr)
850kv 3DR motors
10x45 props
Weather: -6 deegre celcium, light wind
Huge thanks to everyone!
It looks like a mechanical failure but I can't tell you much more than that. I can see it's a mechanical issue (as opposed to a controller problem) because the controller's desired roll and pitch (Roll-In and Pitch-In) don't match the actual Roll and Pitch. The spinning to the ground is what I'd expect from a hexacopter when it loses power to one motor although I haven't seen many actual logs of this happening. It looks like at some times it does become inverted..i was hoping that a hexacopter would come down mostly level but spinning (ie yawing).
More files
2013-03-13 19-07 38.log.gpx