
Yesterday I crashed my Hexa during a Autotune.

This is what happening:

1. I got in Stabilize mode and went to a +/- 5 meters hight and activate Alt-Hold mode.

2. Activate Autotune

3. When the drone drifting off I correct position and it got back in Autotune automatic.

4. It went drift off too far and could not get it under control (dunno why) and because of high trees I desided to activate RTL (Return to Launch) wich result in crash.

It did not climb into a save hight in RTM mode but instead it Pitch or Rolls and aim speed then slightly went horizontal down to the ground (crash).

Can someone tell me what I did wrong?

I upload the log file, I hope this file is the right one it's the first time for me.


2014-10-04 17-51-46.tlog

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          • But I see there are regulary updates for the APM Planner and none for Mission Planner.

            Because Missionplanner is already maybe nearly perfect ;-)

            I really like the quality of the graphs in APM Planner and also the look and feel of the whole GUI. But there are some limitations and things who makes mistrustful.

            I use Mint on Ubuntu basis. I had MP once running in Ubuntu but meanwhile I use Virtual Box for it.

      • I don't know what to tell you but I am Flying mission planner V 3.1.5 with a pixhawk with over 25 hours of flight time on this unit. I have used the auto tune and also the trim features and I have not had one issue. Personally I would start over compleatly and using mission planner ONLY and check everything over and try again.

        I would set up all of your flight modes and make sure to calibrate the radio or at least cheak everything over again just to make sure that when you switch to RTL it indeed switches to RTL along with the other flight modes doing the same, Also make sure you set up all of your fail safe options.
        • Rodney,

          Can you tell me your fail safe settings or mabe a screenshot of them?


        • The reason I like to use APM Planner 2 is that Mission Planner does not display that I have a 3D-Fix from GPS but I shure do!

          In APM Planner v2 shows up that I have GPS 3D-Fix dont now why.

          What is the best mothode to reset the pixhawk to default settings so I can start over step-by-step.

          I was thinking, do you also have to calibrate the voltage & current sensor?

          Thanks for your input.

          I still have a question, when you arm your pixhawk wil it remember it's launch position are do you have to tell it first before take-off?

          • First and foremost " use mission planner" it is proven and stable.

            Reset pixhawk by installing plane or rover, then reinstall copter this way you know it's cleared and loaded with new install.

            You know it flys so take your time and double check all of Your settings and make sure when you save your setting you go back into them and make sure they were saved, flight modes are no acception.

            When you setup your battery failsafe you should check battery voltage and amp draw and adjust accordingly within mission planner.

            As for pixhawk home.
            Pixhawk will call home location wherever power is supplied.
            If you are setting up waypoints in mission planner you can change your home position within mission planner.

            3D fix is shown on the heads-up display in mission planner in lower right hand corner. You can also change your displayed info that is located under the heads up display from a list of many as needed for personal needs.
            • Can you tell me the importend first setup steps for the Pixhawk?

              I use the 3DR-90A voltage/current sensor and I think I did something wrong with that setup.

              For the rest I use a non-3DR GPS+Compass LEA-6H setup as 5Hz Navigation refresh and PEDESTRIAN Navigation mode.

              Mabe you can help me out a little?

            • I did not now that the heads-up display can be customized I have to look closer for these options, thanks for this information COOL :-)

              Why are there on both sides of the Pixhawk some kind of reset switches?

              And you where right about that reset procedure for the Pixhawk, I have found people with the same question here: How to reset pixhawk? [SOLVED]

              Thanks for helping me! ;-)

            • If a GPS lock is available, "Home" is where the copter is armed, not just where/when powered up, which can be different if you move it around before flying like I do.

              "RTL will command the copter to return to the home position, meaning that it will return to the location where it was armed."


              • Thanks for the link Tim this is very usefull information.

                There must be somthing wrong with my settings because my drone flew away from me and not comming back to home position.

                Can not figure out where the problem is.

  • Is your battery ok?

    As soon as you hit RTL the voltage drops to 12.6 volts which is way too low for a 4s and was already below a safe level before you got that far.

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