Hi Everyone,
My quadcopter (APM 2.5) normally works extremely well with loiter, RTL and missions all working really well and have done since I built it. My problem is spectacular crashes when switching into loiter. The vast majority of the time loiter works fine, but 3 times over the last few months I have have some pretty good crashes with loss of power when switching modes. The last one was last Saturday (logs attached) when it very gracefully flipped over and crashed to the ground.
From the logs, it looks to me that the copter disarmed mid-flight biut I am far from expert analysing logs. Could someone with a bit more knowledge have a look at the attachment to try & find what went wrong? I'm pretty good at rebuilding it at least :-)
Thanks once again,
Always after loiter is unstable. Last crash happened when quitting follow mode, which is a guided mode..
See https://github.com/geeksville/arduleader/issues/66 for my logs.
I also had other crashes, and one Dev who looked at the last, also commented on disarm...