Here are some statement I think are correct, the parameter name are from the APM planner V1.0.63, and the arducopter code from ArduCopter2.0.39b
- Derivative term of all PIDs is now always set to 0
- Parameters RATE_###_P, RATE_###_I: only impact ALL mode (that I am not sure but from the code only ACCRO mode call get_rate_###)
- Parameters STABILIZE_###_P, STABILIZE_###_I: are not used in ACCRO mode
- PITCH_MAX parameter is only usefull when copter is autonomously goind somewhere
- Question: In ACCRO, I could not perfome a looping, It seemed like even in ACCRO there is a kind of horizontal leveling. Is'nt it?
So could someone confirm or deny these statements? Because even with CHannel 6 tunning I find it dificult to tune both ACCRO and Stable Mode
thank you.
No one could reply on these statements ?
I am pretty sure it could be usefull to add them into the PID tweak wiki whatever they are true or false.
By the Way I just added a Channel 7 tunning feature, so when I will have time and new propeller :( I will be able to test the tunning But I would like confirmation about the previous statement.