Current calibration, how?

Do you have suggestion how to calibrate current for the power module? When I add throttle to add current flow for the measurement, copter thinks I want to fly and adjusts throttle by itself. That makes it impossible to get valid current reading for calibration. How to keep throttle stable?

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    • that's what I'm trying to do. But it's not possible because pixhawk controls the throttle and it raises throttle constantly if I apply tiny bit of thrust above the idle. And idle is not enough.

      • Watch again. At about 3:37 Randy mentions that he has flipped the props over and moved each one- one arm. This will make the machine push down to the floor.  I usually put a piece of tape on the landing gear just to keep things from sliding around.

        Hope this helps.


        • Yes, I have flipped the props. But I was not able to add throttle.

          However I managed to circumvent throttle problem by setting mot_spin_armed to 200. That gave me constant throttle after arming to calibrate the current monitor.

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