December availability of Quadrocopter?


Do you think there will be quadcotor kits available in early december 2011?

I've beeen following the not available, 30 in stock but esc not in" messages on the add to cart for awhile and now I've calculated that there might only be 7 full kits when all parts are in. Can you pls advise the number you hope to present when all parts are in?

Note that i'm only so insistent coz this is such a fabulous project and I want to be in.


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  • Distributor

    Hi Brett,


    I have two 3DR frame kits in stock at the moment (not showing in store just yet) I will be adding the motors / flight control boards / mag / esc's to be ready to sell as a kit, they will be going on store in the next day or so, if you are interested please let me know and I might be able to help you out :)


    The motors will be the 850Kv the ESC's will be the 20AMP type, this will match the DIYD kit but they are the Jdrones parts.





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